Founder and AI Engineer,
Catapult Technologies
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I create data science solutions that answer real customer and business needs.
My Background
⏳ Data Scientist / Machine Learning Engineer with 8+ years of experience.
🗂 Worked with startups as well as Fortune 500 companies across the US and India.
🧩 Experienced in developing data solutions across sectors such Automotive, Banking and FinTech as well as SaaS, Sales, CRM space.
📚 Extensively involved with Natural Language Processing and deployed Machine Learning models that understand textual content.
💼 Journey
👷♂️ Projects
👬 Community
🏆 Awards


- Co-founded TinkerHub, a non-profit initiative aimed at transforming the quality of technical education in Kerala curating 250+ learning programs reaching more than 45000 students across 66 college campuses.
- Selected as a Technology Innovation Fellow at Kerala Startup Mission, the state’s nodal agency promoting innovation and entrepreneurship.

- Won IBM OpenPower Cognitive cup challenge and was invited to give the winning talk at SuperComputing conference in Salt Lake City, Utah.
- Attended Deep Learning Conference at Stanford organised by Andrew NG.

- Worked as a Machine Learning Engineer at Datalog.ai, a San Francisco based startup and set up their technology office in India.
- Won a shiny 1080Ti GPU from NVIDIA at their Hack2Innovate hackathon.

- Won a Kaggle Kernel Award for an NLP heavy exploratory analysis of customer support tweets.
- Developed expertise in Natural Language Processing by deploying production models for salesx.io and SunTec as a Machine Learning Engineer.

- Gold medallist and recipient of Plaksha Founder’s award for all-round excellence at the Plaksha Tech Leaders Fellowship.
- Assisted Professor Ravi Kothari, former Chief Scientist of IBM Research India with both theoretical and practical courses on Machine Learning as a TA.

- Developed technical business consulting skills as a Data Scientist at Boston Consulting Group.
- Worked with Fortune 500 companies to understand and solve problems using data end-to-end.

- Started an AI Dev studio - Catapult Technologies
- Worked on GenAI based solutions for more than 10 clients across 5 industries.
- Launched aidmit.io , an AI tool for aspirants to perfect their essays using instant feedback from AI
Attribute - Python library for Neural Network Interpretability
Worked with data scientists and medical doctors at mfine.co to build a tool for visual interpretation of neural networks for medical image classification tasks.
Allai (pronounced - ally) Meetings